ihatemornings: On our way to visit @friction_arts and find out how they do “art where you are” with some of the #UrbSol crew.
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:12 ihatemornings [via Twitter]

Introductions at Friction Arts. They like having a “rough and ready” building – it’s more welcoming than a corporate-looking venue.
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:24
solobasssteve: At the Birmingham Association Of Youth Clubs building, hearing about this history of the organisation - http://www.bayc.org/ #UrbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:38 solobasssteve [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: The BAYC mission statement from their website:
"Mission Statement:
bayc works to create opportunities for change in the lives of young people and the communities they live in.
We encourage people to think and act differently about the way they engage with young people, and we support young people to make their aspirations a reality bayc is an umbrella organisation dedicated to serving the needs of youth groups in Birmingham, the Black Country and the wider West Midlands."
"Mission Statement:
bayc works to create opportunities for change in the lives of young people and the communities they live in.
We encourage people to think and act differently about the way they engage with young people, and we support young people to make their aspirations a reality bayc is an umbrella organisation dedicated to serving the needs of youth groups in Birmingham, the Black Country and the wider West Midlands."
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:39 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: ..another response re alcohol banning and human rights, from @jongomm on twitter :: "Its both illiberal and punishes everyone for a minority problem, while not fixing that problem.
The answer is: teach kids about culture, food, music. So they have a choice of social entertainment, not just getting wasted"
The answer is: teach kids about culture, food, music. So they have a choice of social entertainment, not just getting wasted"
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:40 Steve Lawson
SBS_II: RT @ihatemornings: On our way to visit @friction_arts and find out how they do “art where you are” with some of the #UrbSol crew.
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:40 SBS_II [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: BAYC was started by the Cadbury family (the makers of the chocolate, whose factory is about a mile and a half up the road from where we are now)
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:41 Steve Lawson

A graphic novel as the outcome of an art project with young offenders.
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:45
Steve Lawson: discussing the emergence of Hypermasculinity as a youth work issue - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypermasculinity
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:51 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: "there a huge issue around the terminology we use to describe young people, their behaviour and youth issues, and it's really tough to get legal bodies to stop behaving as though all young people are a threat." - BAYC
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:54 Steve Lawson
solobasssteve: There are parts of Birmingham where youth unemployment is at over 60%.... WTF? #UrbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 2:58 solobasssteve [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: "we have to embrace the reality that there will not be enough jobs for all the young people and the adults that look after them, for at least the next 2 or 3 years..." Scary reality check.
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:00 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: Flagging up the difficulty of accessing the massive amount of resources that are around (particularly buildings/meeting space) when local govt. charge money to voluntary organisations to use the rooms, despite those voluntary orgs doing work vital to the council... #BAYC
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:05 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: "I'll defend the profession of youth work to the hilt, but there's some REALLY bad youth work going on out there." #BAYC
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:07 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: 90% of the youth work in Birmingham is delivered by third sector organisations.
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:07 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: "the best kind of youth work is about voluntary engagement with young people, not about 'projects' - the pool tables etc. are a route into engagement."
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:08 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: "the debate around the professionalisation of youth work - one said says all youthworkers should be registered: I like that model cos I like bureaucracy, but I think of a lot of the people who've most influenced me and a lot of them would never have gone that route. How many people would we lose to youth work because they wouldn't go down that route?"
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:10 Steve Lawson
JayGarrett: RT @solobasssteve: There are parts of Birmingham where youth unemployment is at over 60%.... WTF? #UrbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:11 JayGarrett [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: "particular challenges for birmingham - over 50% of the youth here are BME, but the people running the organisations that work with them are almost all white. I'm the exception as a younger woman" - Cheryl Garvey (all these quotes have been from Cheryl) - BAYC
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:13 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson:

Thursday May 31, 2012 3:16 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: Cheryl Garvey bio:
"With over 20 years youth and community experience Cheryl has worked across a range of disciplines before joining bayc in February 2009 as CEO. Prior to joining bayc Cheryl has held local, regional and national posts leading on youth enterprise, equalities and third sector development.
Aged just 9 years old, Cheryl had grand ideas of a career in law but just a few years later a stint as a volunteer play worker for a ‘latch key ‘project in Sparkbrook, Birmingham changed her view on her future career.
More than any of her other roles youth work has always been her most passionate area of practice and in addition to holding senior management roles in a number of institutions, Cheryl has continued to operate as a volunteer youth worker for local youth arts organisation Living Rhythms. A brief post working with some of New York’s most disadvantaged young people inspired a passion for global travel, cross cultural exchange and finding ‘outside the box’ solutions for social challenges. This interest has taken her to various countries across Latin America, the USA, Africa and Europe.
Cheryl has a Diploma HE (Community & Youth Work) and PGD in Community Studies is a parent and lives Birmingham.
She also cooks a mean Carribbean Chicken Curry! "
"With over 20 years youth and community experience Cheryl has worked across a range of disciplines before joining bayc in February 2009 as CEO. Prior to joining bayc Cheryl has held local, regional and national posts leading on youth enterprise, equalities and third sector development.
Aged just 9 years old, Cheryl had grand ideas of a career in law but just a few years later a stint as a volunteer play worker for a ‘latch key ‘project in Sparkbrook, Birmingham changed her view on her future career.
More than any of her other roles youth work has always been her most passionate area of practice and in addition to holding senior management roles in a number of institutions, Cheryl has continued to operate as a volunteer youth worker for local youth arts organisation Living Rhythms. A brief post working with some of New York’s most disadvantaged young people inspired a passion for global travel, cross cultural exchange and finding ‘outside the box’ solutions for social challenges. This interest has taken her to various countries across Latin America, the USA, Africa and Europe.
Cheryl has a Diploma HE (Community & Youth Work) and PGD in Community Studies is a parent and lives Birmingham.
She also cooks a mean Carribbean Chicken Curry! "
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:16 Steve Lawson
serkut_k: Thanks for hosting @amg_unplugged @DTsawyers @danielm1988 #urbsol
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:37 serkut_k [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: the 2nd talk here is going to be from http://www.continentalstarfc.co.uk/ - Continental Star FC - Continental Star is a unique Sport and Community Club located in the West Midlands. The club has its roots in central Birmingham and has branched out in recent years from its original focus on football.
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:37 Steve Lawson
SBS_II: about to hear from @CSFC_famo_club about their work in sport and community development - more on their website: http://is.gd/UhaTZO #UrbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:38 SBS_II [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: Lewis - "I left school with very few qualifications, and was a 'bit of a naughty boy' at school. I worked as an investigator, then for Safer Birmingham. When I got the job, they gave me a 6-page job description, but basically my role was to engage with others to try and reduce crime throughout birmingham. I did that job til march last year, and now have my own organisation, to work with statutory and other organisations to try and resolve some of these social issues"
"I joined one of Continental Star FC's teams years ago and have worked along side them a LONG time ago!"
"I joined one of Continental Star FC's teams years ago and have worked along side them a LONG time ago!"
Thursday May 31, 2012 3:42 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: Aaron, who works with Continental Star, is a football trainer, mentor and personal trainer/coach to the kids they work with - connecting football training with life skills and social development.
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:06 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: now hearing from Eugene - from Budokan centre. A karate champion from the 70s.
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:09 Steve Lawson
Steve Lawson: Budokan use martial arts involvement to broaden the life experience of the young people who do it - often travelling around Europe to competitions and exchanges, but also simply learning about japanese culture and language by learning the terminology of their chosen martial art.
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:17 Steve Lawson
DanielM1988: "@serkut_k: Thanks for hosting @amg_unplugged @DTsawyers @danielm1988 #urbsol"
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:19 DanielM1988 [via Twitter]
DTSawyers: RT @danielm1988: "@serkut_k: Thanks for hosting @amg_unplugged @DTsawyers @danielm1988 #urbsol"
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:20 DTSawyers [via Twitter]
AMG_UnPlugged: RT @serkut_k: Thanks for hosting @amg_unplugged @DTsawyers @danielm1988 #urbsol
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:21 AMG_UnPlugged [via Twitter]
AMG_UnPlugged: Im about to present on behalf of @CSFC_famo_club #urbsol
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:22 AMG_UnPlugged [via Twitter]

Making images from random objects that represent home, community and the riots
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:24
Steve Lawson: Cheryl Garvey points out that low pay is sometimes an even bigger problem than unemployment, because those with jobs don't have access to some of the financial help and free access to services that the unemployed are...
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:25 Steve Lawson
art_PiT: Friction arts workshop, visualising community, riots and house. Group work, in silence #UrbSol #friction arts http://t.co/dPFOLbiV
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:26 art_PiT [via Twitter]
Ben Walker: Not reporting too many words from #frictionarts because we're working mostly in silence and dealing with images built from random objects. Learning to bring out open and honest communication from playig with combinations of seemingly innocuous images.
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:27 Ben Walker
art_PiT: Friction arts organisation, project visits, Birmingham #UrbSol http://t.co/9MaUa9za
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:36 art_PiT [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: Continental Stars mission statement - http://www.continentalstarfc.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58&Itemid=62
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:37 Steve Lawson
art_PiT: Why riots happened?group work and visualisation by #UrbSol seminar team, analysing social art and community projects http://t.co/L4IXg8Hq
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:41 art_PiT [via Twitter]
Steve Lawson: hearing great things about Continental Stars running homework clubs alongside the football - working on numeracy and literacy, particularly with black boys, who at the point of entry into schooling perform higher than any other ethnic group but by the end of school perform worse than any other ethnic group...
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:45 Steve Lawson
Ben Walker: Interesting conversation about the riots, the causes of the riots and and reactions to the riots. Themes of abandonment, opportunism, eroded values and influential sensationalist press.
Thursday May 31, 2012 4:48 Ben Walker
serkut_k: @CSFC_famo_club kicks racism out of sport! Congrats! #urbsol
Thursday May 31, 2012 5:37 serkut_k [via Twitter]
ihatemornings: I found our visit to @friction_arts inspiring. Great to see people taking art (but not themselves) seriously. #UrbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 5:59 ihatemornings [via Twitter]
jezc: @ihatemornings @friction_arts not bad people are they? :) #UrbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 6:00 jezc [via Twitter]
SBS_II: Great to see these youth workers from all over Europe inspired by the stories from @CSFC_famo_club - it's an amazing project. #urbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 6:51 SBS_II [via Twitter]
lincolnmoses: #Urbsol great semina today
Thursday May 31, 2012 6:59 lincolnmoses [via Twitter]
SBS_II: I get asked about 4 times a day, and I still can't convincingly answer the question 'so what do you do for a living?'
Thursday May 31, 2012 6:59 SBS_II [via Twitter]
lincolnmoses: @DanielM1988 @serkut_k @amg_unplugged @dtsawyers @lincolnmoses @mrthecoach great #Urbsol today welldone @CSFC_famo_club good hosing today.
Thursday May 31, 2012 7:06 lincolnmoses [via Twitter]
solobasssteve: Kenya has the highest number of Quakers in the world? Facts you didn't know you wanted to know... #UrbSol
Thursday May 31, 2012 7:07 solobasssteve [via Twitter]
lincolnmoses: #Urbsol now at Quaker centre with @CSFC_famo_club @DanielM1988 @AMG_UnPlugged @DTSawyers #StillweRise
Thursday May 31, 2012 7:09 lincolnmoses [via Twitter]
AMG_UnPlugged: RT @lincolnmoses: #Urbsol now at Quaker centre with @CSFC_famo_club @DanielM1988 @AMG_UnPlugged @DTSawyers #StillweRise #CSFC
Thursday May 31, 2012 7:22 AMG_UnPlugged [via Twitter]
AMG_UnPlugged: RT @lincolnmoses: @DanielM1988 @serkut_k @amg_unplugged @dtsawyers @lincolnmoses @mrthecoach great #Urbsol today welldone @CSFC_famo_cl ...
Thursday May 31, 2012 7:22 AMG_UnPlugged [via Twitter]
Eddyca1: #UrbSol surprise dinner for Fergal http://t.co/ymICq7gl
Thursday May 31, 2012 7:49 Eddyca1 [via Twitter]
lincolnmoses: #Urbsol @lincolnmoses with 40 very interesting &diverse European colleagues @quaker centre all speaking same language.@AmzBird @mrthecoach
Thursday May 31, 2012 8:11 lincolnmoses [via Twitter]
AMG_UnPlugged: @joanl Iagree, I think the fact we live in an age that wants to categorise everything is the trouble #MyThoughtsMyTalk #Urbsol #CSFC
Thursday May 31, 2012 8:15 AMG_UnPlugged [via Twitter]
lincolnmoses: #Urbsol @solobasssteve fingers must be aching him at d moment! #UrbanSolutionsSeminar with @lincolnmoses @AMG_UnPlugged @DanielM1988
Thursday May 31, 2012 8:28 lincolnmoses [via Twitter]
susienico: #urbsol hope rain kept off so the Quaker garden brought a bit of rural change to urban focus? Walked with my son through streets - v urban!
Thursday May 31, 2012 9:13 susienico [via Twitter]