Jepari -chat

Jepari Chat  
  • At IRC-Galleria’s Jepari community
  • On Mondays from 4 pm till 6 pm
  • Officers working at the juvenile crime squad of the Oulu police department use the chat service to advise, guide and support the youth in issues relating to police activity
  • A youth worker hosts the chat and answers general questions
  • Topics include police work and education, mopeds, legal issues , rights and intoxicants
  • Close to 200 visitors per chat session

Jepari chat as a work community
  • A real time chat service
  • Employees in various posts
  • Police officer and youth worker
  • Employees are in constant contact with each other during the whole shift via a voip connection
  • Enables a collective and multidisciplinary work community
  • This work form is co-ordinated by the Youth Affairs Department of the City of Oulu and carried out in co-operation with the juvenile crime squad of the Oulu police department
  • Service available for youth all over Finland, as there are no municipal boundaries on the web
  • Employees can be reached through user profiles also when the Jepari chat is offline


  • Low threshold
  • Reliability
  • Preventative
  • Real time, presence of adults
  • Cost efficiency
  • Ease of interaction
  • Reach
  • Working where young people are
  • Equality

All in one house

Byström’s youth services for young people in Oulu (All in one house)

Byström’s youth services are low-threshold services for youths between the ages of 16 and 25 in Oulu. You can visit the Byström youth services without an appointment or book an appointment when needed. The Byström youth services employ workers from various fields to help youths on issues related to health, drugs and alcohol, sports, leisure time, internationalism, accommodation and finances, work and education, as well as everyday life and living in general. Byström’s youth services operate in the centre of Oulu at the Byström house at 5 Hallituskatu Street.

Different services available at Byström:
The services of the psychiatric nurse are aimed at unemployed youths and young adults under the age of 25 in Oulu.  You can seek assistance for anxiety and panic disorder, depression, sleeping difficulties, or various social anxieties.

You can contact the nurse for health discussions if you are concerned about your health. The nurse service is aimed at unemployed youths.

The target group for the Oulu area searching youth work guidance and advice services is young people between the ages of 15 and 25 who are outsiders to work, education, or other activities, or are in danger of being left out of these activities. The aim is to guide youths in accordance with their individual needs, and help them find different paths to education, work, or other meaningful solutions. Searching youth work services include guidance discussions, aiding in applying for a job or study place, field trips and group activities.

The operations of the Arpeetti counsellor are aimed at people with no income who receive social assistance, are long-term unemployed, or are students who do not receive student financial aid. The young person is interviewed, and any possible vacancies within the units of the City of Oulu are surveyed together. Customers are mainly directed to the service through social services and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.

Summer jobs for students and summer job notes for youths in Oulu are given out at Byström.

The social counsellor provides guidance and advice on issues such as finances and social security. You can visit the social counsellor when you want to get your finances in order or when you need a "bureaucracy interpreter”. The social counsellor will help you find solutions to your situation.

Job market counsellors guide youths to trainee jobs offered by the City of Oulu.

The career psychologist guides youths in choosing careers.

The workforce counsellor guides youths in issues related to working life.

The workshops’ personal coach supports youths in workshops on life management and applying for education and jobs. The personal coach also provides youths with information about attending a workshop and workshop activities in general.

The task of the work-life coach is to prepare youth for working life and act as a link between young people and employers. The work-life coach guides youths in all matters related to working life, such as where and how to apply for a job, how to write job applications and resumés, and how to conduct oneself in a job interview.

Impact the system

If youngsters have the opportunity to be part of youth projects, youth workers must not forget to link the project to the local environment to expect political changes. Otherwise youngsters will experiment new skills and share experiences of debate and innovating methods without reaching the main target: the political level.

To bring changes in the system, we should not forget to make the connection between the different elements of the system, otherwise we change one element without influence on the rest of the actors. That’s why youth workers have to work in network, and share experience at the different levels of the participation: local to global system. Democraty is its own worst enemy.

What is the city but the people?

Amazing cities. Social constructions, where the best and the worst of humanity live together.  From the first fortifications in the Middle Ages to the megapolis of Tokio or Mexico, cities have developed and now seem the most natural environment to gather people. However, we may ask if people do really live together or they are just packed one next to the other.

And the question becomes urgent when it comes to youth. A city that looses young people is prone to agony. Where young people violently revolts, all institutions are at stake and peace and power disappear. Youth means hope and care.  If you miss them, if you let them down, you are discarding the values that have created your city; you are throwing stones against the community.

Thus there is a significant need to create, foster and maintain common ground. Cities are more than city councils and rules and taxes, cities are a social cosmos that must search for cohesion and solidarity. When drawing long term strategies, youth has to be taken into account in a manner that allows real involvement. The public arena should be open for discussion, but also for listening.

In these times of structural changes we cannot afford cat fighting on unimportant things. The economy, the society, the world have to (and will) be rebuilt. The questions are how and with whom. And, the answer my friend is blowing in the wind... and it smells like teen spirit.

– Tamara

(the title quotes William Shakespeare)

my impressions

 It's great to be on this's only one day we worked, but even now my head is full of practical aproaches, ideas and other useful stuff!

Thanks for organizators that make this seminar so interesting!!! I feel that you and participants are really interested in what we say and it is honor to be of part of this event.

Hope to get more and more impressions next days!


Daphne programme

Combating violence towards children, adolescents and women: Daphne III programme (2007-2013)

The Daphne III programme aims to prevent and combat all forms of violence, especially of a physical, sexual or psychological nature, against children, young people and women. It also aims to protect victims and groups at risk to attain a high level of physical and mental health protection, well-being and social cohesion throughout the European Union. This programme is the third phase of the Daphne programme and covers the period 2007-2013.

The focus of the Daphne III programme is on:

  • assisting and encouraging NGOs and other organisations active in this field;
  • developing and implementing targeted awareness-raising actions;
  • disseminating results obtained under the previous Daphne Programmes;
  • identifying and enhancing actions contributing to positive treatment of people at risk of violence;
  • setting up and supporting multidisciplinary networks;
  • ensuring the expansion of the knowledge base and exchange, identification and dissemination of information and good practice;
  • designing and testing awareness-raising and educational materials, and supplementing and adapting those already available;
  • studying phenomena related to violence and its impact;
  • developing and implementing support programmes for victims and people at risk, and intervention programmes for perpetrators.

For more information please check

Tariq Jahan interview in the New Statesman, in the aftermath of the 2011 Riots...

An interview with Tariq Jahan: 

" “I don’t see a broken society”, In the aftermath of the riots,  Tariq Jahan’s quiet dignity over his son’s death made him a national hero. Here,  he speaks movingly about losing a child,  and the radical Islamist past he abandoned to become a father. "